NekoJonez: Quick and small announcement: Changes in the way I post updates.

Alright, this will be a quick update. It even has a short introduction. This update is meant to tell you guys what I post where from this post. 

First of all, the place where I post the most updates is my Twitter. On there I post things I quickly want to share.

Very rarely I write a story that has been in my mind. I “dump” those stories on my DevaintArt.

I’m extremely active on my forums. Take a look on Arpegi and feel free to join! I list everybody’s from the forum their links on my Arpegi Network page.

I linked my YouTube in the sidebar, but I don’t make vids anymore. It’s too time consuming. But here and  there, I do a stream. I announce that on my Twitter a couple of minutes before I go live.

In the sidebar you can find my links to my Last.FM, Google+ and Steam page.

That’s almost everything. Now, I haven’t talked about two links yet. One is the link to my friends over at ButtonSmashers. Go check them out. If you want to see more people I recommend, go check out my friends page.

Alright, down to the final link. Now here is the big change I’m going to do and the reason why I post this short article. When I want to update you guys on the progress of some articles and my life, I’m going to do that on Tumblr when it’s too long to tweet. So, it’s wise to follow me on Tumblr as well!

Now it’s possible that my articles now come twice on my Twitter since I linked my Tumblr to my Twitter! But don’t worry, the long overview updates will most likely not stop on my blog.

I’ll link to this article on my “About me” page so you guys can read this as well. I might update this article when major changes happen!

Thanks for reading and hopefully until the next time we meet.