30-DAY ANIME CHALLENGE! (DAY 14): Anime That Never Gets Old

DAY 14: Anime That Never Gets Old


In other words, what anime do you enjoy even after multiple viewings.


Many things can attribute as to why one enjoys watching an anime despite having seen the show in question more than once.  And that’s saying a lot, considering how you already know what happens within the show, and yet you still find a certain charm to it that you just can’t rub off, even after the 144th time.  Maybe you find the characters utterly enjoyable to watch onscreen, or maybe the story is either good and/or timely (i.e. I always watch Tokyo Godfathers and The Disappearance of Yuki Nagato during Christmas time), or maybe the animation in conjunction with the soundtrack is so good that it’s worth another experience.


With this anime that I’m about to mention, it pretty much meets all of the aforementioned criteria.


Death Note

Yeah, this anime will never ever get old.

I’ve seen this show about 4 times now, and for a show who’s centralized genres include mystery and psychological, it doesn’t seem to lose it’s charm even after I’ve seen it a couple of times now.

One of the reasons that I love this show is how, upon further viewings, you get to notice how things get together to form a cohesive explanation as to how things happen in the show.  In other words, instead of focusing on the actual case itself, you instead focus on the inner workings of the events that unfold, and with Death Note, it’s actually pretty impressive to see how the puzzle is being built.

Also, I wanted to see these scenes again and again and again.

Additionally, I don’t have to mention how beautiful the animation and the soundtrack is, and both those things are pretty important in my enjoyment of the show, so it’s only natural that I like the show even just for those two things.


Lastly, I would like to mention the major thing that allowed me to enjoy this show again and again:

The dub.

Seriously, I have nothing against people who prefer the sub of this show, and to its credit, I quite liked the sub myself.  However, that said, the english dub for this show is just sooooooooo amazing, as every voice acting for Death Note is on point and is really engaging.  The entire cast was expressed effectively and the dialogue for the dub, which was written to accommodate the western audience, works really well for the show.  As much as I liked the original, I believe that the english dub is the way to go for this show.  HUGE shoutout to the english voice actors for Ryuk, L, and Light, as they have all been marvelous at portraying their respective characters.

Mostly L though.  Because L.

Well, that about does it for this one.  Of course, there are other anime that I’ve enjoyed upon multiple viewings, like Fullmetal Alchemist:  Brotherhood and Hyouka, but I feel that Death Note is my go-to anime whenever I feel like rewatching something.

But enough about mine:  what anime do you guys enjoy re-watching?  Lemme know in the comments belooooowwww.

See you guys in Day 15!

One Comment

  1. I have watched Death Note multiple times and still enjoy it. That’s impressive for an anime that relies on surprising twists to keep your attention. Many lesser shows don’t hold any replay value once you know what is going to happen next.