Best Anime Fight


DAY 26:  Best Anime Fight


As they say in Texas:  “Go big, or go home”.


(yes the large text is extremely appropriate)


Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Episode 27:  “All the Lights in the Sky are Stars”

Seriously, THIS is how you end an anime as bombastic and over-the-top as Gurren Lagann.

Not only was the battle epic, IT WAS SUPER INSANELY EPIC.

LIKE HONESTLY, I can’t describe this scene properly without running into the word EPIC every single time, cuz it just is.  Everything here is done incredibly over-the-top:  the actual fight scene, the mechs, the manly monologues, the animation (props to Gainax for that btw), the special attacks, the mechs, the antagonist, that finale, the mechs, the mechs INSIDE the mechs, and pretty much every other thing I haven’t mentioned.

NOTE:  This scene was from the movie, which was essentially a re-hash of the original final fight.

Plenty of anime out there have epic fight scenes in them, and I’m sure there are some that you guys think would be a better pick than this one, but SERIOUSLY:  if the fight scene involves two giant mechs the size of super-galaxies whacking each other with an infinite number of drills, shooting energy blasts at each other, and USING GALAXIES AS SHURIKENS TO THROW AT EACH OTHER, then you know it can’t be topped of by ANYTHING IN EXISTENCE.

Well, I’m sure I missed a lot of action-packed fight scenes, so I’d like to ask you guys which ones you thought were the best.  Just make sure that they include giant mechs and galaxies being flung at each other’s faces.


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