Day 27: Most Badass Scene

30-Day Anime Challenge! (DAY 27):  Most Badass Scene From Any Anime Character


The most badass scene, strangely enough, does not include any shonen power-ups or epic monologues or an intense rescue scene.



Nope, it was when one man defied all odds.






And ended his life with one word.









One word, short and sweet.  The one word that is engraved in every fan’s mind forever.



















Cowboy Bebop, Episode 27:  “The Real Folk Blues, Part 2”

No more explanation is needed.  This scene encapsulates how badass the entire show was.

Yeeah I know that I’ve already used this episode in for my “favorite anime episode” article, but still, it helps repeating just how good and impactful this scene is.

The episode wraps up the series by adding in one of the most exciting 5 minutes of heart-pounding action in the history of anime, followed by this sad and quiet scene.  It is a testament to the legacy that is Cowboy Bebop, as it not only proves to be a fitting end for the show itself, but more so it proves to be a fitting end for an era of anime, and to have it represented by a scene such as this is pretty the definitive pinnacle of beauty.

Well, what’s your favorite badass anime scene?  It can include anything you want that makes it badass and a favorite.  Comment those ideas in the comment section dooooown below.

I’ll see you in Day 28, Space Cowboy…..