Stranger of Sword City Available on steam Now

stranger sword 2

Stranger of Sword City is out now on Steam! The Steam version of the game come with the same a large variety of dungeons, monsters, items, classes and many methods of combining them together as the Vita Version. Coupled with a unique and interesting twist on the perma-death mechanic.


The story has a nice level of depth and dominions that allow for a lot of exploration and various plot twists. It’s a game for the lover of the DRPG and JRPG, and it does a great job at that. The Steam version of Stranger of Sword City also includes the “Picture Gate” option which allows you to upload an image to be a character in-game.

Our review:


The game is available on steam now  for a discounted Price : $39.99 $29.99 USD

Kriston Daniel

A Chef who loves all things nerd culture relate. Anime, Manga Expert & Podcaster.