Revisiting “Mega Man” on the NES w/ HD Filtering!
The original NES Mega Man was the very first game I ever live-streamed, way back in early-2013. It marked the debut of The Retro Play Show series of live and recorded classic gaming sessions and helped teach me a thing or two about live-streaming and recording as a whole.
Even to this day, nearly 30 years after it was released, the first game in the series holds up well. Here, I’m playing it at 1920×1080 at 60 frames-per-second, adding in a nice 3X High-Quality filter into the game so as to really smooth it out, brighten up the colors, and give it a much sharper appearance. In a lot of ways, it reminds me of a proper HD remix!
The first game tread into a lot of new territory back into the day, given its non-linear style, weapons received from bosses, and awesome soundtrack. Yes, the game only has six bosses instead of eight, and there are a few other things (like the score system) that don’t make it into the later titles, but for a first effort Mega Man was a really solid experience.
In this run, I play through the entire game and do quite well, thanks to having a nice USB SNES-style controller to play it on!
This is the first in a new playlist called “Lost Episodes” for my Retro Play Show in which I’ll be revisiting retro titles that I’d played in the past, but which were removed in my recent channel overhaul for not meeting current channel quality levels or the overall direction I intend.
Thanks for tuning in and I hope you enjoy this walk down memory lane! 🙂