Housemarque releases Nex Machina – Name of the Game Featurette

In honor of the launch of Housemarque’s first-ever self-published game, Nex Machina, the development team has released a short featurette from the upcoming documentary, Name of the Game. For nearly three years, a documentary crew has recorded Housemarque and Eugene Jarvis — legendary creator of Robotron 2048 and Smash TV – on this journey, and this featurette, which primarily uses footage exclusive to this video, offers ​a candid look into the preparation it took to debut the game at PSX 2016. It shows the pressures of showing off a game to an audience for the first time and the drama of grappling with builds fresh out of the box. But not without Eugene Jarvis and Harry Krueger taking some time to discuss game design philosophy in the process.

This featurette is part of a full length documentary—Name Of The Game—delving into the entire development process of Nex Machina. For now, though, Housemarque just wanted to share a taster of things to come as a thank you. In their words, “we’re just some folks with the dream of making a game like the ones we used to play as kids.”

Nex Machina was released for PC via Steam, and PlayStation 4 on the 20th June 2017 to some very positive feedback from the gaming community.  

Qudduws Campbell

That messy hair bloke: Romantic, Food lover, Gamer, Sports Fan, Manga Reader, Tech Head, Podcaster... Pretty much do a bit of everything.